NRB 2024 Recap: Pro Cyc’s Virtual Production, An Exclusive with Sean von Tagen

In an era where the digital revolution is reshaping the landscape of content creation, NRB 2024 emerged as a pivotal platform for innovators like Pro Cyc to unveil the future of religious broadcasting. Through an exclusive interview with Sean von Tagen, President of Pro Cyc, we delve into the heart of this transformative event, exploring the synergy of technology and vision that marked Pro Cyc’s participation.

1. Event Overview: 

Q: What were the main goals or objectives for attending NRB 2024, and can you describe any specific highlights or memorable moments from the event?

A: Our main goals were to introduce some of the advantages and capabilities of virtual production on a green screen background to the attendees and exhibitors at NRB. We have seen a growing interest and need in the religious broadcasting community to improve the quality and content of their message and feel that virtual production offers a way to meet those needs in a relevant and high-quality way. Our most memorable moments were simply meeting some incredible people and seeing so many react with amazement at what can be done with even a simple virtual production setup.

2. Collaboration Details:

Q: How did the collaboration with Ikan International and Brainstorm Multimedia come about? Also, what specific contributions did each partner bring to the booth, and how did these enhance the visitor experience?

A: We have worked with both IKAN and Brainstorm to varying degrees and in separate capacities at previous trade shows, and have always had great respect and admiration for the expertise and quality that they each bring to the market. We had talked about collaborating further by combining the products of each of our companies (Pro Cyc: seamless green screen backgrounds; IKAN: lighting and tracking; Brainstorm: keying, tracking, and virtual set content) to showcase a complete suite of tools necessary to create a quality virtual production. We felt that NRB provided the perfect audience and the perfect opportunity to make that a reality. It went extremely well as attendees were able to see all the parts come together to produce some very eye-catching content. We will definitely be doing more collaborations in the future.



3. Product/Service Showcase:

Q: Were there any new or notable reactions to your technology from attendees?

A: The biggest reactions were amazement from people who were previously unaware of how this type of content is produced.

4. Engagement and Interaction:

Q: How did attendees respond to your booth and offerings, and were there any particularly successful engagement strategies or interactive elements at your booth?

A: Attendees were very receptive and curious to learn more about how virtual content and productions are created. We had 2 live green screens at our booth that attendees were able to step inside and see themselves projected onscreen in the virtual set. This proved to be very popular and eye-opening for many of them.

5. Outcomes and Reflections:

Q: What were the key takeaways or successes from this event for Pro Cyc? How has attending NRB 2024 influenced your plans or strategies moving forward?

A: NRB demonstrated that there is indeed a high degree of interest and need in the area of virtual production within the religious broadcasting community. We got the very strong sense that more exposure and education will only help expand awareness and demand for this kind of technology moving forward.

6. Audience Takeaway:

Q: What message or impression do you hope readers will take away from the blog? Also, is there a call to action for your readers, such as visiting your website, signing up for a demo, or following social media channels?

A: Mainly that virtual production technology is making it easier than ever to create high-quality content from almost anywhere with a good quality green screen, good lighting like that from IKAN, and good virtual set software and hardware like that from Blackmagic Ultimatte and Brainstorm. Call to action is just to make sure they are following us on social media channels and to visit to get more information about our cyclorama systems, portable green screens, and green screen paint and flooring material.

7. Additional Elements:

Q: Lastly, are there any industry insights, trends, or future predictions discussed at NRB 2024 you’d like to incorporate? Would you like to mention any upcoming events, projects, or collaborations as a follow-up to your participation in NRB 2024?

A: We are still in the early stages of virtual production technology, but it is becoming more and more widely adopted across all segments of the market from schools to churches to corporate to broadcast to TV and film production. We expect that trend to not only continue but to accelerate as the costs and the learning curve come down. We will be exhibiting at the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) convention in Las Vegas April 14-17. It is the largest tradeshow in the world for media, entertainment and technology.

Mar 10 2025