Pro Cyc and Zero Density Team up to create a Virtual Production Studio at NAB 2022

The National Association of Broadcasters “NAB Show”, one of world’s leading trade shows has returned to Las Vegas.  This year Pro Cyc and Zero Density teamed up to deliver a front seat ticket to the real-time graphics technologies powering daily shows, live events and more from the world’s biggest broadcasters.

What is a Virtual Production Studio?

At its most basic level, a virtual production studio is a stage that can seamlessly merge real actors or props with computer-generated characters, backgrounds, or effects. Reality Engine® from Zero Density is the ultimate real-time broadcast compositing system enabling real-time visual effects pipelines featuring video I/O, keying, compositing and rendering in one single machine.  As the most photo-realistic real-time production solution, Reality Engine® provides the tools to create the most immersive content possible and revolutionize story-telling in broadcasting, media and cinema industry.

Zero Density Showcases Pro Cyc System 1.5QS Freestanding Cyc Wall

Zero Density used their Reality Engine system and the Pro Cyc system 1.5QS to create a virtual set with live 3D graphics. The Pro Cyc system 1.5QS is our most compact Freestanding system with 18″ radius and Expanded Corner option. With the increase in the number of smaller virtual studios being installed around the world, the demand for Pro Cyc’s freestanding System 1.5QS has been on the rise. In reaction to this growing trend, we developed our new System Super 1.5QS freestanding cyclorama wall made out of high-impact ABS plastic.

Behind the scenes with Zero Density compositing and arranging the virtual production set

“We have been using Pro Cyc’s modular cycloramas in each NAB Show and IBC Show. We are happy with the easy setup and the quality of the products. Also, the Pro Cyc team is highly professional and always delivers on time.” – Mehmet Ozkan, VP of Operations, Zero Density

Compositing and arranging the virtual production set with the Pro Cyc System 1.5QS Freestanding Cyc Wall in the background.

The key for these productions is an integrated system with hardware, software and virtual art department creative teams working in  concert. As you see below lighting is critical for creating a good “key” for virtual sets. Pro Cyc is the industry standard for high quality virtual production studio cyclorama walls. Our chroma key systems work in synchronicity with next generation LED walls for in camera virtual effects (ICVFX) for set extensions. This is a cost effective measure to combine both green screen chroma key cyc walls with LED stages to create a cost effective expanded fabric for creativity.


Interview at NAB Show – Director of Technical Product Management at Epic Games, Andy Blondin

Studio Design Details:

-The studio featured our Pro Cyc System 1.5QS Freestanding Cyc Wall

-The Weather Channel provided their virtual set that the channel utilizes for daily live forecasts powered by Reality suite, designed my Myreze.

-The production setup used Grass Valley LDX 86N 4K system camera with Canon CJ12EX4.3BIASE 4K Lens.

-The LDX86N is tracked by Egripment T10 crane with mechanical tracking.

TRAXIS talentS is used for talent tracking.

RealityHub 1.2 controls the real-time graphics. The virtual studio uses Reality 4.27 and is ray-traced.

-Two Zero Density Reality Engines run on two RealityEngine AMPERE workstations with Nvidia RTX A6000 GPUs and AJA Corvid88 video I/O boards. One Reality Engine is used for Virtual Studio and one Reality Engine is used for AR.

-One Reality Engine is used for broadcast on air graphics.

-Freestyle LED DMX and Celeb LED DMX from Next Generation LED Series were used by Kino Flo lighting systems.


Pro Cyc System Super 1.5QS:

Product Details:  Pro Cyc System 1.5QS Freestanding Cyc Wall

For your reference here is a generic schematic of the Pro Cyc System Super 1.5QS:

The Pro Cyc System Super 1.5QS: can also come with an expanded corner.

How to Get Started to Design and Build your Virtual Production Studio?

The best way to get started to create your own virtual production studio is to gather your requirements for your studio vision, hardware and software. Zero Density features excellent information resources such as their video library and website to learn about their virtual production solutions.

Next, measure your studio space and then Contact Pro Cyc to discuss you design requirements and available studio space. We will provide our expertise for the best Pro Cyc products and resources to help you and your design team.



Mar 10 2025